Companies turn to HR support agencies to help cut costs, solve capacity issues, and to alleviate sweat equity requirements that do not focus on the core business. Are these opportunities you are looking to realize?
Chris is one of two Founding Partners of R&R Integrated. He also is the Principal Agent of the organization.
With over 10 years of experience delivering benefit agency solutions and HR support needs, he is at the center of these solutions - a one stop shop of knowledge and expertise to build out the right HRO solution for your business.
Cesar is the other Founding Partner. He enables growth, vision and mission at every level of the organization.
With over 20 years of experience in workforce development, grant management, enterprise training solutions, and software as a service options, he is a wealth of knowledge in various areas that can help an organization offset costs.
Debbie is the Agency Manager. She enables streamlined benefit processes, compliance, and problem solving for our partners.
With many years of employee benefits experience, she provides strong strategic planning and best practices for promoting a successful client experience as well as agency management. Prior to joining the team with McGriff Insurance Services, she has spent the last 30 years as a benefits consultant with national agencies as Account Executive, Team Leader, and VP of Operations.
Fred is the Chief Technology Officer. He enables technology, systems and process efficiencies within businesses.
With over 10 years of experience building IT infrastructure, process ecosystems and enabling operational efficiencies, Fred's expertise allows organizations to take advantage of a systems approach that enables cultural adaptation to technology.
Awesome Clients
Culture Shifts
HR Technologies